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Watch the video on Talented Teams

Yvette van Dok
July 9, 2021

‘How to reward team members that make better use of their talent? Give them more responsibility!’

 This was the advice of one of our speakers during our last Talent School session. The topic was the challenge to make better use of talents of ALL team members.

‘Since we know each other’s talents and dragons, we do not fight anymore!’.

This is just a taste of the wonderful stories of our three Brilliant Entrepreneurs, that shared their precious experiences on using talent in the team.

Do you wish to hear their full story? Watch it here.

With many thanks our speakers for sharing their stories:

 - FranciscaChoe, manager of SUSAMATI, Mozambique

- Sarah Ngwenya, owner of Supreme Oil Zambia

- Prisca Kambole, director of PLAEP-SANSHAKO, Zambia


Our next Talent School session is planned for 8 September. Looking forward to meet you there!